The Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador – September 2, 2021

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  – Full REPORT AT – 20210902-Release-Ingerence-des-provinces_eng.pdf (


“When the provinces, and in particular Quebec, strive to block any federal initiative in favour of First Nations’ self-determination and the recognition of their rights, they give themselves a power that does not belong to them, namely that of obstructing the future and development of Indigenous communities.”

Automated Genealogy

Indices to Canadian Censuses

Automated Genealogy hosts several projects to index Canadian censuses. Over the last several years Library and Archives Canada has digitized their microfilms of the original census forms for several of the Canadian censuses and Automated Genealogy has organized volunteers to produce indices to the people enumerated in these censuses. Each project uses simple web forms to allow volunteers to transcribe census data from the images into a database, with the entered data being immediately available on the site. Following transcription further volunteers proofread and make corrections. Anyone with an internet connection can participate as a transcriber, proofreader, or just by submitting corrections as they use the site. The status of each census project varies depending on how long it has been active. There is a link to the LAC image of the original census page at the top of each transcribed census page.

Example – See: District: QU  DEUX-MONTAGNES (#151)

Tahieròn:iohte Dan David, Kanehsatà:ke – 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award Canadian Journalism Foundation

On June 9, 2021, Tahieròn:iohte Dan David, a Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) from   Kanehsatà:ke was the first Indigenous person to be awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Journalism Foundation, founded in 1990.

Dan David joins an illustrious group of individuals such as Peter Gzowski, Peter C. Newman, Pierre Berton, Lloyd Robertson, Peter Mansbridge and many more.


Indigenous Contributions to North America and the World January 2016

First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada  



Native American Culture – Language: the Key to Everything | Ron (Muqsahkwat) Corn, Jr. | TEDxOshkosh

Language is the soul of your Tribe. When the language is gone, all you have left is an empty shell.

Kanehsatà:ke History, Part 2


Britain, France, Canada, Sulpician claims to Indigenous homelands – free lands to White settlers, ongoing history at the ancient Turtle Clan town of Kanehsatà:ke

Basketmakers’ Tradition of Storing Black Ash Logs in Water Effective in Killing Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) (2015)

USDA – US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station

Submergence of black ash logs to control emerald ash borer and preserve wood for American Indian basketmaking

Therese M. Poland, Tina M. Ciaramitaro, Marla R. Emery, Damon J. Crook, Ed Pigeon, Angie Pigeon

First published: 27 June 2015

** Costs to access the study.


  1. Indigenous artisans in the Great Lakes region rely on the ring‐porous property of black ash Fraxinus nigra Marshall (Oleaceae), which allows annual layers of xylem to be easily separated to make baskets that are important economic resources and vessels of culture.
  2. The emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is threatening North America’s ash resource, including black ash and this centuries‐old art form, resulting in grave concern about the availability of black ash trees for basketmaking and about movement of black ash (along with A. planipennis) from areas where it is cut to lands where it is pounded and split to make baskets.
  3. We evaluated the traditional practice of storing black ash logs submerged in water as a possible method for killing within‐tree life stages of A. planipennis at the same time as preserving the wood’s value for basketmaking.
  4. Black ash trees infested with overwintering A. planipennis larvae were felled and cut into 60‐cm bolts in 2010 and in 2011. These were submerged in a river for different lengths of time and, after treatment, placed into rearing tubes to determine survival and adult emergence, or dissected within 24 h to determine larval mortality, and then pounded and peeled into splints to assess colour and pliability.
  5. In 2010, all A. planipennis larvae had died and no adults emerged from logs submerged in spring for 10 weeks or longer, whereas some larvae survived and adults emerged from logs submerged for up to 9 weeks.
  6. In 2011, submergence for 18 weeks during winter or 14 weeks in spring resulted in complete mortality of A. planipennis larvae and no emergence of adults at the same time as still preserving wood quality for basketmaking.
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