Protecting, Promoting, and Revitalizing Traditional Knowledge – Cultural Survival Quarterly
Vol. 43, Issue 3, September 2019
CBC – Northern Ontario First Nation makes history with its community-based curriculum & local connection to Oka Crisis Aug.13 2020
Long Lake 54 First Nation created ‘groundbreaking’ new lessons from its own past. Jody Porter
Help protect Mirador from US development and support Guatamala Mayan Peoples’ Rainforest & Sacred Sites Continued Management
FUNDRAISER ANNOUNCEMENT – Medicine Box & Le Roi Mega Centre for MLCA Kanien’keha Revitilization August 2020
Kane[h]satake 300 Years Later
Anniversaries can be a strange thing in Canada, depending on who you are and which side you’re watching from. It’s been 30 years since an event you may know as the Oka crisis; but that’s not where the story begins for this podcast. In this first part of a two part episode, Leah and Falen look at the 300 year lead up to the “crisis” on Mohawk land.