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The Flying Head

A story that illustrates why dog is often called man’s best friend.  A great hunter is pursued by the legendary Flying Head.  What will happen?  Will he reach the village in time?  Who will save him? Adapted by Karonhianó:ron Alice McDonald, illustrated by Kahentine Kim Gabriel.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$17.00 Kanien’kéha, $18.00 Kanien’kéha/English

The Stolen Sun

The Seagull’s jealousy and selfishness almost destroy the Sun. This story teaches us all things on the  earth must harmonize, if there is to be a balance. Adapted by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais, illustrated by Katlatont Brenda Gabriel-Doxtator.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$39.00  Kanien’kéha, $40.00 Kanien’kéha/English

Ken Nieiaká:’a Tiatate’ken:’a
The Younger Sister

When the younger sister constantly tries to prove herself by outdoing her sister she is taught a valuable lesson on using her judgement wisely and be herself at all times. Adapted by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais, illustrated by Kahentí:ne Kim Gabriel.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$15.00 Kanien’kéha, $16.00 Kanien’kéha/English.


An original story. The narrative unfolds very simply to describe a family’s relationship in terms of love. Great for very young children! From a collaboration between Tsi Ronterihwanónhnha and Kanien’kéha Owén:na Otióhkwa. Written And translated by Kahentinéhtha Beverly Beauvais, illustrated by Shahoié:ren Kevin Proulx.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$6.00 Kanien’kéha, $7.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Nahó:ten Ionatró:ri Ne Kahwihstarà:ken Tánon Ohwistanó:ron Ohniare’kó:wa
The Prophecy of the Two Serpents

An allegorical tale of how the kindness and nurturing given to two serpents results in the destruction of the land and hard times for the Onkwehón:we (Original) people. Adapted and illustrated by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$22.00 Kanien’kéha, $23.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen
Thanksgiving Address

Everybody is thankful for something. Aboriginal people of Turtle Island have their own way of expressing their thanks. Ohén:ton Karihwatéhkwen is the Kanien’kéha version of their thanksgiving. Beautifully illustrated. Adapted by Kawinónhsen Audrey Nelson, illustrated by Kahentine Kim Gabriel.

Available only in Kanien’kéha. 

$41.00 Kanien’kéha.

Ohkwá:ri Akoksà:ta
The Bear’s Child

This story teaches the value of caring, helping, and respect among the humans and animals, also to be sorry about doing wrong.
Adapted by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais, illustrated by Shahoié:ren Kevin Proulx.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English or Kanien’kéha and French.  

$24.00 Kanien’kéha, $25.00 Kanien’kéha/English, $25.00 Kanien’kéha/French.

The Ghosts

A Halloween story destined to become a classic! What more can we say? Written and adapted by Warisose Gabriel. Illustrated by Kahentine Kim Gabriel.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$6.00 Kanien’kéha, $7.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Onkwawén:na Kanien’kéha Shonkwaia’tíson Tehshonkwá:wi
Our Language Is A Gift From The Creator

Kanien’kéha word listing including pronounciation guides.  Writer, editor Kanerahtenhá:wi Hilda Nicholas, translators Tewateronhiá:khwa Mina Beauvais, Skawén:nati Montour, Konwahawèn:se Phyllis Montour, artwork by Kahentí:ne Kim Gabriel.

Available in Kanien’kéha and English.

$18.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Onó:ra Kaia’tón:ni Oká:ra
The Corn Husk Doll

An original adaptation of the popular legend, The Corn Husk Doll. It eloquently illustrates that real beauty is on the inside, even for a faceless doll. Adapted by Karonhianó:ron
Alice McDonald, illustrated by Katlatont Brenda Gabriel-Doxtator.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$10.00 Kanien’kéha, $11.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

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