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Tsi Ní:iot Tsi Tiotá:sawen Tsi Anó:wara Ra’nowáke Iohontsá:te
The Creation Story

This is an important legend to the Kanien’kehá:ka told in three parts. Adapted by Wathahine Marylene Nicholas and Warisose Josephine Gabriel. Illustrated by Katlatont Brenda Gabriel-Doxtator and Shahoié:ren Kevin Proulx. Part # 1 tells the story of how the world was created. Part #2 reveals Sky Woman’s life on Turtle Island. Part # 3 deals with the birth of the twins, and the classic battle of good and evil.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English or Kanien’kéha and French

$41.00 Kanien’kéha, $42.00 Kanien’kéha/English, $42.00 Kanien’kéha/French.

Tsi Ní:iot Tsi Wa’thá:ten Ne A’nó:wara Ahatohserón:na
How The Turtle Flew South

The story of a hungry, demanding little turtle who flew south and learned the hard way what goes up must come down. Adapted by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais, illustrated by
Shahoié:ren Kevin Proulx

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English or Kanien’kéha and French.  

$19.00 Kanien’kéha, $20.00 Kanien’kéha/English, $20.00 Kanien’kéha/French.

Tsi Niiá:wen’s ne Kanien’kéha Owennashón:a Volume 1
Kanien’kéha Verbs Volume 1

Kanien’kéha Verb Book Volume 1 containing over 70 verbs in Kanien’kéha with the English translations. Written by Kawinonhshen Audrey Nelson.

Available in Kanien’kéha and English.

$30.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Tsi Niiá:wen’s ne Kanien’kéha Owennashón:a Volume 2
Kanien’kéha Verbs Volume 2

Kanien’kéha Verb Book Volume 2 containing over 70 verbs in Kanien’kéha with the English translations. Written by Kawinonhshen Audrey Nelson.

Available in Kanien’kéha and English.

$30.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Tsi Niiá:wen’s ne Kanien’kéha Owennashón:a Volume 3
Kanien’kéha Verbs Volume 3

Kanien’kéha Verb Book Volume 3 containing over 70 verbs in Kanien’kéha with the English translations. Written by Kawinonhshen Audrey Nelson.

Available in Kanien’kéha and English.

$30.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Tsi Niiawén:’en Ne Tsiskó:ko Tsi Onekwènhtara Nahentskwe’nó:ten’ne
How The Robin’s Breast Became Red

When the hunter and his son can no longer tend to the fire that warms all things, the robin lends a wing to keep things going, singeing it’s grey breast in the process. Adapted by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais, illustrated by Katlatont Brenda Gabriel-Doxtator.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English or Kanien’kéha and French.

$15.00 Kanien’kéha, $16.00 Kanien’kéha/English, $16.00 Kanien’kéha/French.

Tsi Niiawén:en Tsi Rótion Raotáhson Ne Ohkwá:ri

This story tells how the bear lost his tail.
Adapted by Tewateronhiá:khwa Mina Beauvais. Illustrated by Katsi’tsákwas Ellen Gabriel.

Available in Kanien’kéha.

$13.00 Kanien’kéha.

Tsi Nitiawé:non Ne Kontherí:seres Otsí:tsa
The Origin of the Trailing Arbutus

How a dying man’s wish to be remembered fondly by his people, made the trailing arbutus a sure sign of spring. Adapted by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais, illustrated by Shahoié:ren Kevin Proulx.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.  

$11.00 Kanien’kéha, $12.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Tsi Nontié:ren Tahakahrowá:nens Ne Kwareró:ha, Tsi Niiawén:’en Tsi Tehahá:kwaien Ne Tsítsho Tánon Ateniahrhon’kowátshon Oká:ra
Why the Owl Has Big Eyes, How the Fox Got His Crossed Legs, & The Legend of the Stone Giants

1. The owl was impatient and that is why the he ended up with big eyes and pointy ears.  2. The fox loses more than a fight with the bear and has to get his leg back. One explanation for  why they are crossed!  3. The tale of how a braggard tricked the stone giants into leaving his people alone.  Adapted by Konwahawèn:se Phyllis Montour and Tewateronhiá:khwa Mina Beauvais. Illustrated by Kevin Proulx and Kahentí:ne Kim Gabriel.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha and English.

$35.00 Kanien’kéha, $36.00 Kanien’kéha/English.

Tsi Rawennakerá:ten Ne Skén:nèn Rón:nis
The Birth of the Peacemaker: Tekanawí:ta

This volume tells the story of the birth of Tekanawí:ta, and why he was sent to Mother Earth by the Creator. Adapted by Tewateronhiákhwa Mina Beauvais, illustrated by Shahoié:ren Kevin Proulx.

Available in Kanien’kéha or Kanien’kéha, English and French.

$13.00 Kanien’kéha, $14.00 Kanien’kéha/English/French.

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