Vocabulary Lessons
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Dialog - level 2
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Lesson 24

Lesson 24

Objective of Fish names.

The Mohawks have lots of names for the fish around them, this teaches you the learner that we have diverse knowledge of the aquatic live around us. It is important to you as the learner that you know that as Iroqouis people we had a great diversity of foods such as wild animals, birds, fish and plants that made up our diet.

  1. Trout
  2. Sturgeon
  3. Pike
  4. Perch
  5. Whitefish
  6. Bullhead
  7. Cat fish
  8. Eel
  9. Minnow
  10. Sunfish
  11. Salmon
  12. Bass
L’objectif est d’apprendre le nom des poissons

Les Mohawks ont beaucoup de noms pour le poisson autour d’eux. Il est important pour vous, l’apprenant, que vous sachiez que nous, les Iroquois, avons une grande diversité de nourriture  tels que les animaux sauvages, les oiseaux, les poissons et les plantes qui composaient notre diètes.

  1. Truite
  2. Esturgeon
  3. Brochet
  4. Percher
  5. Poisson blanc
  6. Bullhead
  7. Poisson-chat
  8. Anguille
  9. Mémé
  10. Poisson soleil
  11. Saumon
  12. Perche