Understanding Human Rights Workshops

Kontinonhstats – Kanehsatà:ke Language and Cultural Center & the Kanehsatà:ke Education Center presents:

Understanding Human Rights Workshops

August 5, 6 & 7th

Where: Kanehsatà:ke Language and Cultural Center

14A Só:se Onahsakén:rat (Joseph Swan Road), Kanehsatà:ke Mohawk Territory

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a significant human rights instrument that promotes, protects and respects the collective and individual rights of Indigenous peoples.  It is also a key framework of reconciliation and restitution between the colonizing states and Onkwehón:we peoples.

Facilitators include Human Rights Advocates: 

Paul Joffe – International Human Rights lawyer for the Grand Council of the Crees Eeyou Ichee, Jennifer Preston – Canadian Friends Service Committee, Craig Benjamin of Amnesty International Canada, Ed Bianchi of Kairos

Participants will learn about the importance of human rights instruments, how to use them in conjunction with our own customary laws; how the UN system works and many other issues.

Seating is limited to 10 participants so please call 450-479-1651 to Register deadline is June26th, 2013